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Employee engagement is not the same as employee satisfaction. Employee Satisfaction only indicates how happy or content your employees are. It does not address their level of motivation, involvement, or emotional commitment.

Engaging your employees—that is, making sure that they are committed and productive in their work—can benefit you as much as it benefits employees.

If you hire the right employees, chances are good they’ll be engaged—committed to your business and happy in their work. But to ensure ongoing engagement, you as an employer must play a major role, particularly when it comes to communication.

Consider these five employee engagement strategies:

  • Be clear on what your business stands for. Your company’s mission and vision and brand must be front and centre in everything you do.
  • Communicate well and often. Your employees need to know—on a continuous basis—how both they and your company are doing.
  • Understand generational differences. To get the best out of all your employees, know what motivates different generations.
  • Find out what your employees need. Ask your employees on a regular basis how they’re doing, and be ready to follow up on their input.
  • Empower all employees to do their best. Provide the leadership, resources, and training your employees need to realize their potential.

Understanding what engages employees can help during all phases of the employment cycle—from recruitment to training to performance assessment and beyond. It’s also much easier to retain employees who are engaged and committed to your company’s success.

EVP can assist you to measure and improve employee engagement. We offer a suite of customized and off-the-shelf survey options that provide the right degree of flexibility and cost-effectiveness for you, no matter what your requirements are. With all of our solutions, we aim to help you increase employee engagement by conducting extensive analysis, reporting and consultation. Employee engagement is typically measured using an employee engagement survey that has been developed specifically for this purpose.

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