Ethical • Value • Professional

Conflict Management

Workplace conflict is costly. Conflict at work can lead to decreased engagement and productivity, increased stress, illness, absenteeism and higher staff turnover. Workplace conflict can impact all levels of an organisation, often affecting whole teams and even divisions and departments.

Effective conflict management in the workplacecounters some of these negative aspects of conflict. When conflict is managed effectively, many disputes can be minimised or prevented. Some strategies are more effective than others. Sometimes we think we are using the most effective strategies only to find that it exacerbates the conflict.

EVP helps organisations implement effective and durable workplace conflict management strategies. Our workplace conflict management strategies are holistic, solution-focused and evidence-based.

Conflict Coaching

Conflict coaching helps individuals and/or groups develop creative and constructive resolutions to conflictual situations within the workplace. Sessions are task oriented and future focused and can be delivered either face to face or by telephone.

Facilitating Difficult Discussions

Do you need to have a difficult conversation with someone at work? We can assist you in planning for these kinds of conversations and provide you with opportunities to practice undertaking these types of conversations

Effective workplace conflict management has many benefits:

  • Increased performance, productivity and motivation
  • Employee retention
  • Reduced stress & absenteeism
  • Enhanced workplace communication, team functioning and effectiveness
  • Development of conflict resolution skills

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