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Policies and procedures are intended to bring a company’s vision and culture to life. They connect a company’s vision and goals to internal operations and provide consistent, day-to-day operations for an organization. A policies and procedure manual defines guidelines for all employees to follow. These guidelines help employees and supervisors to understand their jobs and responsibilities. The policy and procedure manual also helps employees and supervisors know how to respond to issues that might arise during the course of business. A company that has policies and procedures has defined the guidelines for consistent behaviour and actions within the company by all employees. These guidelines ensure that whenever events occur, they are handled in the same way. Because the policies and procedures manual sets the standards within the company against which all employees are measured, it also provides the means for disciplinary action that must take place for violation of these guidelines.Taken together, policies and procedures provide a road map for a company's workforce to follow.A successful company not only has a policy and procedure manual, it continually updates the manual when laws or procedures change. Most companies offer the policy and procedure manual to new employees with the employee handbook.

EVP can provide mature and proven policies; alternatively we can work with you to develop policies which are tailored to meet your business needs.

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