Ethical • Value • Professional

DISC® is the most widely used behavioural model in the world and is used by over 1 million people every year to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication. It is a Tried, Tested and Trusted model. DISC® is a non-judgemental tool used for discussion of people's behavioural differences. The DISC® journey begins with completing a specific assessment based on your current role whether it be a team member, manager, sales person or leader. The result of the assessment is a detailed report about you and your behaviour relative to your role.

DISC® assessments help you:

  • To better understand yourself and how your style affects others
  • Increase your self-knowledge: how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, what causes you stress and how you solve problems
  • To identify the behaviour styles of others and how to adapt effectively to meet their needs
  • Improve working relationships by recognizing the communication needs of team members
  • Facilitate better teamwork and minimize team conflict
  • Develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles
  • Manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members
  • Become more self-knowledgeable, well-rounded and effective leaders

The DISC ADVANCED® assessment is valuable for individuals and all types of organisations; public or private; large or small.

What does DISC® stand for?


The DISC ADVANCED® profile system is a “real world” process. You see, we believe a psychometric instrument isn't just about the theory and the instrument interpretation. DISC ADVANCED®. profiles, unlike other assessments, measures both the subconscious or 'natural style' and the conscious or 'adjusted style'.

The DISC ADVANCED® system is not just more advanced but is also more complete. The framework is designed to provide users with practical and, most importantly, useable, information. Too often behavioural assessment systems are incomplete, leaving participants wondering, “What now?” The DISC ADVANCED® process provides a platform for achieving real results.

  • DISC ADVANCED® is difficult to cheat. There are mechanisms in the system that indicate unreliable results. Assessments can be (and often are) answered by the respondent in the way they believe the employer would like them to answer.
  • The DISC ADVANCED® profile system can indicate the influence of the present environment on a person’s motivation.
  • DISC ADVANCED® profiles provide Action Plans relating specifically to the person’s behavioural style. This is very valuable in the development of the person and a great tool in moving them forward to where they want to get to.
  • DISC ADVANCED® profiles indicate if the person is comfortable with their environment, if they are being stretched too far or conversely perhaps feeling restricted.
  • Reports can be integrated into interviews adding a new dimension to interview questioning
  • Has multiple uses and applications – recruitment, appraisals, development and team dynamics
  • Can be used as a stand-alone recruitment and selection tool as well as integrated into staff development strategies
  • Based on the internationally recognised four quadrant model of DISC®
  • Measures the influence of the current environment on someone’s motivation Assists you to re-motivate your team by simply addressing their specific needs – priceless information for an employer

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