Ethical • Value • Professional

To create a productive tomorrow resolve your conflicts today!!

Not all conflict in the workplace is a bad thing. Numerous studies have concluded that some types of conflict, when managed correctly, can yield positive results such as innovation, growth and creativity. However, negative workplace conflict, particularly when someone feels his or her rights, power, or dignity has been compromised, can cause a variety of unfortunate outcomes for not only that individual, but for the rest of the team and the business, EVP can provide you with the guidance and tools to identify workplace conflict and facilitate a positive outcome.

Mediation is a dispute resolution method where a neutral third party (mediator) helps the employees to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. Mediators create a safe environment (physically, emotionally, and intellectually) for individuals to exercise self-determination. They ask questions, validate each party’s point of view, search for interests underneath the positions taken by the disputants, and assist the participants in finding and analyzing options for resolution. The mediators do not make recommendations, nor do they give their own advice or opinions. They are in charge of the process and are responsible for the quality of the process, while the disputants are in charge of the outcome. Mediators empower disputants to evaluate each option thoroughly before making decisions.

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